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Matt and Rose

A little bit of stating the obvious but we are Matt and Rose (or Rosie).

We live in South Leicestershire and certainly don't think of ourselves as "ideas people" or "influencers", but enough people ask how and where we get ideas from for days out and home improvements that we thought that maybe we should pull those parts of our lives together into a single online space so you can take a look, too.

Feel free to comment on any posts and we'll do our best to reply.


Home: Welcome

Restoring lawn from moss

Before we start let's get something straight: we are not as green-fingered as others seem to think we are! But with a bit of research, a...

Car shopping!

Cars So many to choose from and when you have narrowed it down to one or two or a handful you then need to decide the edition, the trim,...

Isle of Wight challenge 2021

Saturday the 10th of July started like most Saturdays over the previous 5 months - up early and making porridge. The difference this time...

The Tithe Barn, Cosby

Now that the weather is becoming more mild and, by extension, more amenable to being outside whilst also sitting still, we took advantage...

Peppervine Tapas - A foodie review

Peppervine Tapas caught my eye the very second my infinite Facebook scrolling (thanks lockdown boredom) happened upon it. I'm a huge...

Who Knows Where?

Question: What is the problem with most board games you play? Answer: There is usually only one format, and once you've figured that out...

February challenge? Completed it mate

We did it! To get over the post-Christmas blues and to jump-start our health and fitness regime we entered a virtual challenge. Check out...

I'm sure it'll all be worth it in the end

In 2019, with my 40th seemingly just around the corner, I thought it was about time I started putting some plans in place to celebrate or...

Running gear

Welcome to the first in an occasional series on advice and reviews on various bits of running kit. They say that all you need to be a...

Getting over January

January is over... finally! As the 3,478th day of the month comes to a close, and Lockdown 3 looking unlikely to come to an end before...

Got to keep moving

"You may may leave the home to exercise. Exercise should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area."...

You've got to have a system....

So here we are, one week into Lockdown 3, which comes after some convoluted tier system that was at best tricky to follow and at worst...

New Year, New Plans

Out with the old, in with the new - the excitement, the uncertainty; what will the next 12 months bring? Nobody could have guessed 2020...

Pandemic, but it's a board game

I've never been much of a board game kinda guy - we played Monopoly when I was younger but I've never enjoyed it because, if i was...

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