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Matt and Rose

A little bit of stating the obvious but we are Matt and Rose (or Rosie).

We live in South Leicestershire and certainly don't think of ourselves as "ideas people" or "influencers", but enough people ask how and where we get ideas from for days out and home improvements that we thought that maybe we should pull those parts of our lives together into a single online space so you can take a look, too.

Feel free to comment on any posts and we'll do our best to reply.


Home: Welcome

Hencote Estate

This time last week we were making sure our bags were packed for what was to be, for me anyway, a mystery weekend away for my 40th. I may...

The Tithe Barn, Cosby

Now that the weather is becoming more mild and, by extension, more amenable to being outside whilst also sitting still, we took advantage...

Who Knows Where?

Question: What is the problem with most board games you play? Answer: There is usually only one format, and once you've figured that out...

Pandemic, but it's a board game

I've never been much of a board game kinda guy - we played Monopoly when I was younger but I've never enjoyed it because, if i was...

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